We went to church this morning and Emma never looked cuter. She slept a long time overnight and I actually had to go and wake her at 8 so, I could feed her before we went. We went to our Sunday School class and then went into the service. The nursery workers couldn’t find Emma’s number that they give you in case they need to call you out of the service and she was getting fussy. So, the Assistant Pastor’s wife knew where we sat in the service and she came and got me. I went into the nursery and Ms. Emma stopped fussying as soon as she saw her momma. I rocked her to sleep in there and then took her into the big people service with me ’cause I knew Richard would be tickled to have his little girl with us. M actually woke up and looked up at Richard several times just to make sure he was with us and then fell asleep again. She is so precious! So, anyways, these are our Easter Sunday pictures…she is asleep in Daddy’s arms!

We are getting her six month pictures taken in the same dress on Tuesday. It has an adorable hat to match. I am going to try and talk Richard into having his picture made with Emma and me. I think he might just say “yes”!

By admin