Today Little Emma was so precious when she woke up. She just keeps repeating Da-Da just like she did Ma-Ma. When I got her out of her crib, I put her on the floor and she has figured out how to sort the shapes in her little toy frigerator. She put the square in the square hole and the triangle in the triangle hole. She also pressed the button to make the toys fall out into a bowl. She is so smart! It really amazes me sometimes.

Then, after Emma woke up from her nap, she kept holding the really super-soft bear Richard had gotten her when I was barely pregnant. She just kept holding it against her face saying Da-Da. I have told her many times that her Dad got her that bear. I know she knows it, too!

I am very excited about having another baby here before too long. But, I also want Emma to know that nothing could ever take her place in her Mom and Dad’s heart. She is the reason we love being parents so much! She is a delight in our lives and we love her more than we could ever convey. She will always be “My Baby.”

By admin